ExtermPRO Learning Center

4 Reasons You Have Ants

4 Reasons You Have Ants

Why They Come Inside Your Home

Why do you suddenly have a line of ants wandering into your home? These are four reasons they might be invading your space.

Facts About Brown Recluse Spiders

Facts About Brown Recluse Spiders

Need-to-Know and Interesting Facts

When you think about scary-looking spiders, the brown recluse might top the list. Here's what you should know about them before you worry about spotting one.

Mouse Versus Rat Infestation

Mouse Versus Rat Infestation

How to Tell the Difference

You see droppings or hear little pitter-pattering inside the wall. You don't know what has invaded your space, but you know something is there. Are you dealing with mice or rats?

Why We Love Spiders

Why We Love Spiders

And You Should, Too!

Roses are red, violets are blue. We love spiders for many reasons, and so should you!

Common Winter Pests in Virginia

Common Winter Pests in Virginia

What You Might See

Mosquitoes, ants, and bees are gone for now, but we're not lucky enough to live pest-free this time of year. Learn which pests you might see.