ExtermPRO – Cockroach

When you see bumps and red rashes on your skin, and you have noticed signs of roaches in your house, your natural conclusion may be that the cockroaches have been biting you in your sleep. Many pests in the area can bite, after all, and roaches are one of the more despised pests.

The most effective cockroach control relies on far more than extermination from a pest control company. It actually starts with homeowners, and it does not have to be difficult. A few simple cleaning and maintenance steps, practiced regularly around your home work extremely well in preventing termites, while also saving you the time, money, and stress it takes to get rid of a large scale infestation.

Finished and unfinished basements in Gainesville and the surrounding area are a good hiding spot for several different pests. Because they are below ground, basements are very close to bugs’ outdoor habitats. Basements are often more humid than aboveground living spaces, and therefore more attractive to bugs. Unfinished basements that are rarely used also provide a dark hiding space for bugs that avoid light.