Pest Control and Leaks in Your Homes Exterior – What to Watch For

A serious stucco crack on the corner of the house near the rooftop. Repairing a stucco crack on the house wall.

When it comes to maintaining a pest-free home, one critical aspect often overlooked is the presence of leaks in the home’s exterior. These leaks can provide pests with easy access points into your home, creating potential for infestations. As experienced professionals in pest control, we aim to educate homeowners on identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities to better safeguard their homes against unwanted pests.

Common Exterior Leaks that Attract Pests

Pests are often drawn to warmth, moisture, and a search for food. It is this attraction that makes it easier for them to find even the smallest of entrances through various leaks around your property – sometimes openings that are smaller than the eye will typically notice. Key areas to monitor include:

  • Roof Leaks – Damaged or missing shingles and gaps in roofing materials can allow pests like rodents and insects to enter the attic.
  • Window and Door Frames – Cracks or gaps around window and door frames are common entry points for pests, especially if they are not properly sealed.
  • Foundation Cracks – Even small cracks in the foundation can be an entryway for pests. Regular inspections can help identify these issues early.
  • Utility Line Openings – Areas where utility lines enter the home can have gaps that pests use to get inside. Ensure these are sealed properly.
  • Siding Gaps – Loose or damaged siding can create gaps that are ideal for pests to slip through.

Sometimes, it’s a series of small gaps that make it more likely your home will get leaks. For example, you may have a gap underneath the garage, and then another gap on the top of the door from the garage, and pests will eventually find their way through both.

Preventive Measures for Homeowners

As a pest control company, our role is to use the tools we have available to help protect against pests. We are able to provide many of these solutions ourselves, but there are some situations in which a contractor may be beneficial. To minimize the risk of pest infestations through exterior leaks, consider the following steps:

  • Regular Inspections – Conduct regular inspections of your home’s exterior to identify potential leaks and repair them promptly.
  • Seal Gaps and Cracks – Use appropriate materials to seal any gaps or cracks found around windows, doors, the foundation, and siding.
  • Maintain Gutters and Downspouts – Ensure your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and functioning properly to prevent water accumulation near your home.
  • Trim Vegetation – Keep bushes, trees, and other vegetation trimmed away from your home to reduce pest access points.

We can provide these services as well through the process of exclusion. We will look for openings, determine if there are any critical problem areas, treat them, and then talk to you about next steps.

Leaks in your home’s exterior can be more than just a maintenance issue. They can be a gateway for pests. Staying vigilant, conducting regular inspections, and seeking professional help when necessary can go a long way in keeping your home safe and pest-free.