How Pest Control Helps You Keep Your Promise to Your Customers

do cockroaches smell

ExtermPRO provides pest control in the Gainesville, Centreville, Haymarket area of Virginia. We’re a family-owned business with advanced technology and some of the best prices in the entire region. We’re perhaps best known for your residential pest control services, as there are many homeowners in the area that need help protecting their families from the insects, spiders, and rodents of the region.

But we are also available for commercial pest control. We help businesses and commercial property managers protect their buildings from all different types of common pests. At ExtermPRO, we know that pest control for commercial properties is about more than convenience and risk mitigation. In many ways, it is a way to keep an implied promise to your customers.

What is Customer Service?

Every business, no matter what services it provides, promises to offer great “customer service.” Everyone wants a good experience from their purchase, whether it’s in retail, food services, or even B2B businesses. While some organizations offer better customer service than others, there is an implication that, if you have a business of any kind, you’re going to do your best to make the customer happy.

Any experience with pests takes away from that implied promise. Some pests, like rats, are a genuine health hazard that can open you up to professional or even legal implications. But an ant in a bathroom, a cockroach in the hallway, a spider web on a piece of clothing – even if the customer can ignore it or wipe it away, it is an encounter that hurts the customer experience.

It is often impossible to prevent 100% of all pests. But if the pest could have been prevented with some basic, affordable pest control, then the commercial property has a duty to their customers to make sure that they’re doing whatever they can to help improve the customer experience and give them a pest free property as best as possible.

Contact ExtermPRO for Commercial Pest Management

ExtermPRO helps businesses and commercial property managers in Northern Virginia fulfill their promise to their customers, with pest control that is safe, effective, and more affordable than many of our competitors. Like you, we believe in customer service, and every action we take is designed to help make sure that you’re getting the thorough pest control and support that you need to help make your own customers’ experience better. Give us a call or fill out our online form to get started.